
Personal Training

Why work with a One Life Fitness PT?

The onelifefitness PTs work with some of the best coaches in Ireland – each one bringing their unique personalities, specialist insight and expertise in club upon finishing training. Armed with the sharpest skills and latest techniques, choosing a onelifefitness Personal Trainer means that whatever your goal, you’ll be in the safest (and strongest) hands around.

Why work with a coach?

Teaming up with your PT, you can expect tailored assessments and programmes to guide you. Access to more knowledge than Google and Stephen Fry combined. And plenty of professional expertise in weight management, strength training, rehabilitation, body composition, combat sports, movement health and functional training.

Whether you’re following their tailored or online training plan, your coach will make sure you’re performing all exercises correctly and keep pushing yourself. After all, if you want dem gains, you need to be held accountable – and that takes constant feedback, motivation and support.

If you’re interested in becoming one of our Personal Trainers, please click here.

Get Involved

Working with a onelifefitness Coach is the best investment you can make in both your health and achieving your goals. So whatever that improvement looks like to you, it all starts by dropping your deets into the form below…

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